Other Modalities
We offer many Holistic Modalities, Please give us a call or email with any questions or to make an appointment
Kundalini Usui Reiki
Reiki is a Japanese technique of relaxation and stress reduction administered by a certified Reiki practitioner gently placing their hands on the client. This is based on the idea that the trained Reiki practitioner may use their techniques to help raise the client's energetic field and promote feelings of peace, harmony, and relaxation.
Session time: Session 30 minutes $500 pesos
Practitioner: Kolibri Bowman Master-Teacher Usei Reiki
Jimmie (Santiago) PhD Master-Teacher Usui Reiki
Life Leadership Coaching
One on One
As a Holistic life coach I teach the Life Leadership Paragon method of self-discovery, The Life Leadership Paragon is a metaphysical model developed by Dr. Douglas Kelley, that describes four essential skills each of us must possess if we are going to be successful at anything in life. Moreover, the Life Leadership Paragon explores the vital connection between one’s self-concept and success. It is a fundamental philosophy that can be applied to all aspects of life and is the first place to start in gaining self-mastery and becoming a well-grounded, balanced, complete person.
Furthermore, the Life Leadership Paragon shows how to strengthen and enhance all relationships whether personal or professional, and most significantly, the relationship you have with yourself which is the most important relationship you have. The word, “paragon” means “a model of excellence.” The Life Leadership Paragon contains the three skills of Self-Acceptance, Self-Responsibility, and Respect for Free Will. These three skills then synergistically create Self-Completeness, the fourth skill. These four are much more than just skills; they are Universal Laws, and they apply to all sentient and enlightened beings.
Session Time: 1 Hour
Practitioner: Jimmie (Santiago) PhD.
Cost: $650 pesos per hour ask about multi-session pricing
Super Charged Crystal Light Theropy
Click the button below to see the information on this amazing therapy. Call to Book it today
30 minutes $400 pesos
60 minutes $700 pesos
Energy Balancing Sound Treatment
An energy balancing session is a 50 to 60-minute, fully dressed personal sound treatment that helps bring the mind, body, and spirit back to the center. The harmonics and high vibrations of the resonating crystal and metals allow the mind to slow down, the breath to restore itself, and the body to let go of tension. You will begin to relax within a few minutes and begin the process of releasing tension. Muscles may contract and flinch as you move deeper into "the between the state" of wakefulness and the dream. Many people feel as if they were fully aware of themselves and their body, while also drifting in and out of a floating dream state. These sessions give you the sense of a deep, restful sleep and create a profound sense of silence, that genuinely has no words for its power. At the end of the session, you are given time to be in the stillness the sound creates. These moments after the session, to absorb all the sounds have to give is the most profound part of the session and offer you new awarenesses, a feeling of empowerment, “groundedness,” and new senses of direction and allow you to connect into your inner world and touch the divine wisdom within.
This is a 2 practitioner service
Done by Jimmie and Kolibri Bowman
Session Time 60 Minutes Single $850 pesos, Couples $1500 pesos, Groups of 4 to 8 more only $500 pesos each
Coming Soon
Infrared Sauna
Red Light Therapy
Himayan salt room with Halogenerater