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Thai Bodywork
& Massage


Hybrid Thai Yoga Body Work

This is our most ask for service.  Developed in 2017 by Dr Jimmie Bowman. This is a special uniquely blended hybrid massage created,with a mix of Thai bodywork and relaxation massage.  This is an excellent way to experience some pieces and benefits of Thai massage blended with a relaxation massage.  Traditional Thai massage is done on a massage mat on the floor, this massage is done on a massage table.


Session time: 1.25 to 1.50 hours $900 Peso

Practitioner:  Jimmie (Santiago) PhD 

                        Kolibri Bowman RMT CPC

Thai Yoga Body Work

Thai massage is reputed to lead as far back as 2500 years ago and was invented by Shivago Komarpaj, Buddha’s personal physician. Thai massage is done without the use of oils as friction is used to stimulate the muscles and other systems of the body.This blend of acupressure points and stretching is especially beneficial for those who find themselves stiff, sore, and tired from over-exertion in work or sports, or from arthritis or other debilitating diseases. Thai massage enhances strength and flexibility, relaxes sore or tense muscles, and can help to recapture lost range of motion, by encouraging lymphatic function.  This traditional deep tissue massage and stretching can also detoxify the body, heighten the immune system, and prevent disease and/or injury by promoting flexibility.


Session Time: 1 hour $850 Pesos

Practitioner:  Jimmie (Santiago) PhD 


True Relaxation Massage

Lay back, just breath,e and BE!

Our relaxation massage is a full-body experience involving soft music, soft lighting, and aromatherapy oils. You will enjoy a long, luxurious massage that will use different kinds of techniques including long strokes, gentle kneading and rolling of skin and muscle, and some rhythmic rocking from side to side. It is a passive treatment. You won't be stretched or maneuvered into any yoga-like positions like in Thai Body Work


A good relaxation massage relieves stress and tension in your muscles and will leave you feeling a sense of well-being.  It achieves this because of the general benefits of massage: it improves your circulation, so your organs and skin get more oxygen; it moves fluid through your lymphatic system. A relaxation massage encourages your body to digest its food and get rid of its toxins. It will help reduce daily stress and sleep better. 


Session:Time: 1 hour $850, 1.5 hours $1250 pesos

Practitioner:  Jimmie (Santiago) PhD,

                       Kolibri Bowman RMT CPC

Thai Herbal Ball Massage

Thai Herbal ball massage is an ancient remedy that is renowned for its healing effects.   In Thailand, it is used as a remedy for sore aching muscles, stress relief, exhaustion, and other ailments. This is truly a wonderful treatment that is making its way to North America.  Herbs are wrapped in balls of cotton muslin, steamed to release essential oils and aromas, and then applied along the sen sip or energy lines of the body. The herbal compress has many benefits. The application of pressure with moist heat along energy lines and at acupressure points is very therapeutic for the client. The herbs themselves have many medicinal properties – anti-inflammatory, astringent, anti-bacterial, and other effects are present in many of the herbs.  The muslin balls are filled with Thai herbs and spices including lemongrass, turmeric, prai, kaffir lime, camphor, and tamarind, which relieves stress, clears congestion, and invigorates.

Best of all you get to take them home with you.


 Thai Herbal Ball Massage:  Combination of Table Thai Massage, Relaxation Massage, and steamed        Thai Herbal Balls.


 Session Time 1.25 to 1.5 hours,  Cost $1750


Note :Included in the price is 2 imported Thai Herbal Balls that you get to keep, they are good for 2 massages then you can dry them and use them for potpourri. sold separate they are $500 pesos for a pair.


Practitioner:  Jimmie (Santiago) PhD

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Couples Massage and Body Work

Massages are a super incredible and soothing experience. What could make them even better? Experiencing them with a friend or loved one.

Come and let us take you and your lucky other on a relaxing journey with our specially formulated massage techniques.


You can choose from the True Relaxation Massage or Hybrid Thai bodywork for this service


Session Time: 1 hour  $1500 Pesos

Practitioner:  Jimmie (Santiago) PhD,

                     Kolibri Bowman RMT CPC


Heavenly Head Massage

Heavenly Head and Shoulder Massage

Lay back, relax and let a little bit of heaven come to you for an hour.   Heavenly Head and Shoulder Massage starts with relaxation breathing, then a cleansing of the face, followed by heavenly massaging of the face, head, shoulders, arms, and hands. We then use a relaxing detoxing mud mask, with a free Reiki session while your mask is drying.  After the removal of the mask, we do another cleaning of the face.  This massage will detox your skin, and revitalize your whole upper body, giving your skin a glow and youthful appearance.  Did we mention steamed warm towels  


Session Time: 1 Hour $850 Pesos

Practitioner: Jimmie (Santiago) PhD.


​© 2024 by The Kundalini Center. 

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